Saturday, March 5, 2011

Mac Liquid Mineral Foundation

birthday gifts OvettoK

OvettoK And here are the gifts that he received for his birthday
Magéti ' book, a book that contains the magnets to create the faces of people doing so many combinations, so play to create the faces, is a game that lets you express your creativity by inventing new faces and costumes for the characters, mixing the different parts ... It 's also easy to carry (the pieces do not fall, even in the car!).
Mitika Mask mind - to build and paint masks. With this game you can mount the masks and paint later. Has many models to create animal masks. The eight models are: chicken, dog, wolf, bear, cow, rooster, fox, pig, includes paints and brushes to paint and there is no need to use scissors and glue. So this weekend will devote ourselves to building our masks, decoration and inventing stories, that's what Mask'animo offers a kit of eight cardboard masks. I thought that we can customize them all with different techniques: painting in gouache, collage, stamp. iocheremo G with colors to give free imagination. A very creative game

for lego believe that you have no explanation, those who do not have at home?!
and finally Ludidou a modeling dough very lightly, b Ianca, can be colored as desired with markers, tempera, markers, dyes, etc.. datta to children aged three years and over, easy to manipulate, develop manual skills and creativity. Will experience as soon as possible . I am also inspired by the fact that it is possible, wet, reuse ... OvettoK is often unidentified objects with modeling clay or salt dough which dry air, so instead what is not good is recycled and reused.
Ludidou is distributed exclusively in Italy by


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