CioccoMamma began as a nickname for many reasons (slowly reveal them all), one of whom is my great passion for chocolate and how would we not dedicate a post to
CioccolaTò March 25 to April 3 with special opening March 17 to celebrate the unification of Italy with the Mille CioccolaTò from March 17 - 3aprile
What is this?
Torino is reconfirmed The Capital of Chocolate with a new edition of Cioccolatò that ... this is a two.
For an earlier edition to be held from March 25 to April 3, will, in fact, extraordinary opening from 17 March, coincide with the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy
The claim of the forthcoming edition of Cioccolatò will be the capital of chocolate, again confirming the role of Turin as a city symbol of the best ' Important District of Chocolate Made in Italy with its famous cafes, its old chocolate and the many industrial and handicraft, as well as to draw its history as capital of Italy, just as use of the 150 anniversary of the unification of the country.
And here next to the Mole Antonelliana a computer with a USB key-shaped Gianduiotto.
On March 17, 2011 will kick off the special edition of CioccolaTò that will celebrate the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy .
A Torino, from March 17, 2011 , official day of the beginning of the festivities and until April 3, you can finally see the 'original scale model of the greedy peninsula and some of its major monuments, the pride Italian art and architecture in the world, including the Mole, the Duomo, campanile San Marco in Venice, the Lighthouse of Genoa, Perugia Fontana Maggiore, the Colosseum, the Maschio Angioino of Naples and many others.
Cioccolatò will develop in the historic center of Turin, in particular in Piazza Vittorio Veneto. Here, in addition to the large commercial area of \u200b\u200bchocolate you can find more than 6 thousand references to chocolate, divided between Piedmont products-which-will be a special section, the rest of Italy and abroad, will be spread all entertainment activities and cultural challenges related to the theme of cocoa and chocolate, from exhibitions to international meetings that will feature the producers, consumers and the different experiences across the world at any level of the production chain, from wine tasting courses designed to promote greater consumer awareness, to the recreational and educational workshops for children and entertainment. Just in Piazza Vittorio will, on occasion, even with the Chocofarm body treatments based on chocolate, soothing, moisturizing and all from ... enjoy.
What about ... I'll Be There '...
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