Friday, March 18, 2011
Thursday, March 17, 2011
When A Scorpio Male Ignores A Female
Units of the 150th anniversary of the English I and Carnival ITALY-ITALY
Here's how we celebrated the anniversary of the unification of Italy
Here's how we celebrated the anniversary of the unification of Italy
years that are now in our kitchen there is a wire hanging, which becomes a place for decorations when we're on the subject of holidays, or place in which hang chores done at home or at school, which are particularly dear to cioccopupetti. Today it has become the place to hang the celebrations for Italy, flags, mandala, written details taken from the site of maestramary, from mom and children. This also takes part in the Carnival of the English game of elephant spotted . Italy
Monday, March 14, 2011
Radio Shack Turntable Stylus
pancake breakfast on Monday
Even This Monday will reclaim the ritual of breakfast, this time with pancakes (pancakes breakfast you see in American films) I've tried it once, with few results, in that they liked me and CioccoPapà, but had wrong cioccopupetti the nose and they had just tasted. But I will never give up on the first try and I have replicated. Sunday night I set the table with napkins cut in the shape of stars and hearts, I prepared the mixture.
There are two versions:
a. 2 eggs b. 2 eggs
40 g of sunflower oil 25 g butter 40 g sugar
40 g sugar 10 g
salt 10 grams of salt
and 300 grams of milk 300 grams of milk
; 1 vanilla 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract 1 tablespoon baking
1 tablespoon baking
250 grams of flour
250 grams of flour before adding the flour I divided the mixture in half, in half the dose I added the wheat flour 00, the other half I added whole wheat flour and they came good both.
Maybe the oil is lighter, I tried both I have not noticed a difference.
beat the eggs, oil, sugar, salt, vanilla and milk, then joins the yeast and flour, cover with a plate and make rest in refrigerator or overnight.
the morning I got up early (I had prepared backpacks and clothes at night) and I cooked pancakes, making a non-stick pan melt a knob of butter (which should only be done with the first pancake) pours a spoonful of mixture distributing it by moving the pan, you cook a couple of minutes when are formed on the surface of the first bubbles it's time to turn the pancake. Finally recline on each other by putting together a piece of butter.
garnish with maple syrup (I've found the coop) with chocolate, with honey, jam.
table set
detail pancake
good week .
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Mountblade1003 Trainer
What is this?
Torino is reconfirmed The Capital of Chocolate with a new edition of Cioccolatò that ... this is a two.
A big chocolate entirely in Italy: it will be through this giant installation, more than 13 meters long and weighing 14 tons that Cioccolatò celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the Unification of Italy, anticipating, with a special edition, the opening event of the Turin dedicated to food of the gods, scheduled from March 25 to April 3 next.
CioccoMamma began as a nickname for many reasons (slowly reveal them all), one of whom is my great passion for chocolate and how would we not dedicate a post to
CioccolaTò March 25 to April 3 with special opening March 17 to celebrate the unification of Italy with the Mille CioccolaTò from March 17 - 3aprile
What is this?
Torino is reconfirmed The Capital of Chocolate with a new edition of Cioccolatò that ... this is a two.
For an earlier edition to be held from March 25 to April 3, will, in fact, extraordinary opening from 17 March, coincide with the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy
The claim of the forthcoming edition of Cioccolatò will be the capital of chocolate, again confirming the role of Turin as a city symbol of the best ' Important District of Chocolate Made in Italy with its famous cafes, its old chocolate and the many industrial and handicraft, as well as to draw its history as capital of Italy, just as use of the 150 anniversary of the unification of the country.
And here next to the Mole Antonelliana a computer with a USB key-shaped Gianduiotto.
On March 17, 2011 will kick off the special edition of CioccolaTò that will celebrate the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy .
A Torino, from March 17, 2011 , official day of the beginning of the festivities and until April 3, you can finally see the 'original scale model of the greedy peninsula and some of its major monuments, the pride Italian art and architecture in the world, including the Mole, the Duomo, campanile San Marco in Venice, the Lighthouse of Genoa, Perugia Fontana Maggiore, the Colosseum, the Maschio Angioino of Naples and many others.
Cioccolatò will develop in the historic center of Turin, in particular in Piazza Vittorio Veneto. Here, in addition to the large commercial area of \u200b\u200bchocolate you can find more than 6 thousand references to chocolate, divided between Piedmont products-which-will be a special section, the rest of Italy and abroad, will be spread all entertainment activities and cultural challenges related to the theme of cocoa and chocolate, from exhibitions to international meetings that will feature the producers, consumers and the different experiences across the world at any level of the production chain, from wine tasting courses designed to promote greater consumer awareness, to the recreational and educational workshops for children and entertainment. Just in Piazza Vittorio will, on occasion, even with the Chocofarm body treatments based on chocolate, soothing, moisturizing and all from ... enjoy.
What about ... I'll Be There '...
Friday, March 11, 2011
Edible Cell With Jello
Carnival of the English H-HOUSE
Here we are again with the appointment on Friday with the English alphabet the idea of \u200b\u200bpolka-dot elephant this time we have dedicated ourselves to the House Fairy. Gianduiotto loves fairies and the stories about fairies, Tinker Bell and we saw the lost treasure and Tinker Bell and the great rescue and fell in love with the house built by a little girl to welcome you. It has built two, with Cioccopapà, the first they made with the milk carton, the L1 family pack, 5, of the magnolia leaves, gathered in the garden, and furniture made of cardboard
The second they made it more elaborate, wood, really nice, this is the structure
this is the fairy house over (actually there is still no roof)
this is the internal
welcome sign
and that the design details of the lineup, read
table and chair
White Substance Instead Of Period
Friday Book 7
This week we participated in the HomeMadeMamma of a book that is not related to the activities we did, but it was with the carnival theme
Arriva Carnival! The loud and joyful celebration of excellence and the masks of the Commedia dell'Arte have always liked to Rodari, who has sung with passion many times. This book is a compilation of his best rhymes carnival, do not forget to consider that, even in the midst of a party unleashed.
"If commanded Arlecchino" - Rodari says - "the heavens know how you want it? / A hundred color patches / sewn by a ray of sunshine. "
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
How Much Colloidal Silver To Put In Nose
Carnival 2011
's clothes for the celebration of Carnival held at the kindergarten
Spiderman kindly provided by a colleague who, 12 hours before the party, he saw me in almost a panic
fairy, I did this in December Gianduiotto playing the part of the fairy in the Christmas play, and then I had packed and the tuttu the shirt, the head had a conical hat, for the carnival I used the same things, but without a hat and with the addition of the wings, the colors of dress are purple, pink and silver (in this picture had a crumpled Poil tutu with various twists and seats)
the roses I have applied with hot glue, glitter with silver I gave a small point light in the center
cuffs I made a bow with silver tape, with the soul of wire, which I also used to tutus
I made the tutu with the pink and purple tulle (I had to take a darker shade, it is one thing to see it in the coil, another thing is the single veil), I cut into strips 10 cm wide, 1 m. long, then I sewed the strap, I placed on the back of a chair and I started to tie it
the end I added some strips shorter, to which I have a knot in the end, the tape and silver-cored wire.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
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on our table today is this, greetings CioccoPapà CioccoNonno and women of the family ... a kiss
Monday, March 7, 2011
Small Folding Dog House
Breakfast on Monday and I porrige
the breakfast I was a child, I remember that every day, but I remember my brother and I sat at the table with cookies, chocolate cream and a cup of tea. I stopped when I started going to high school, laziness morning led me to give up anything for 5 more minutes of sleep, I always had a coffee on the fly, even in the bathroom and put on makeup. But my favorite moment was on holiday when we went in the international hotels with breakfast every day is a different kind today with French butter croissant and jam, tomorrow and American pancakes with maple syrup or honey or chocolate or all three, the next day. ... But even in the Italian cafes of places of the sea, or, if you could, among colleagues before going to work. In short, the Breakfast has always meant a special moment for what was its meaning and the people with whom I shared the moment, the preeludio the rest of the day.
Since the mother has taken additional meanings, the importance of making breakfast for my children has become a way for me to start to eat it every day, like when I was little, taking the time and the right touch .
That Monday I decided that I will be breakfast, because I have time on Sunday night to set the table creatively, to experiment with a new menu to prepare the clothes on the radiator, the bag for the dorm, the backpacks with the need for the school clean and folded, dinner money ... short, so why on Monday morning we get up, sit at the table again with his pajamas and talk about the good things that await us in school and work, what will we do with friends, what jobs we do at home or where we would like go out if there will be a beautiful day ...
all this to start the week with a smile, a full belly, the body and mind ready for the day.
And here's the first Monday, the table set
the pot of milk and porrige
first floor of porrige
because porrige? Because I read the post by Mama Kosenrufu who spoke well, especially had a tonic is natural is good and my children have really needed after a bad periodaaccio of flu, coughs, colds and catarrh, in short are debilitated and am trying to pull them up with food.
because porrige? Because I read the post by Mama Kosenrufu who spoke well, especially had a tonic is natural is good and my children have really needed after a bad periodaaccio of flu, coughs, colds and catarrh, in short are debilitated and am trying to pull them up with food.
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my balance
Given that I've never bought the scale, that was when I lived by my, but I used that when I went to live alone, I did not have bought it and when I got married not I felt the need ... Now that I'm on a diet I bought ... and now we quarrel ...!!
today by the ninth week of the diet, since now I have lost 6 pounds, then there was the celebration of my cioccopupetto, I have neither made nor lost pounds. Saturday we had to go to celebrate the birthday of OvettoK paternal grandparents who were unable to come allla party on Sunday, due to their influence, but I OvettoK and we could not go, because our influence, but they are gone and gianduiotti CioccoPapà and returned with two trays of lasagna, stuffed vegetables, mashed potatoes ... in short, a lot of things warmth, good eh, but heat ... mica and want to throw ... ok I confess I ate lasagna for two days.
This week I have to make do with physical activity, to work and walk briskly in the pool and Friday there will be no minute of rest.
remains the dilemma of abdominal MammaPapera had found a site with lots of exercises, but laziness has made last week by mistress ... I'll see if I will succeed. Silhouette target I need to concentrate on the flat stomach and her ass hard ... UNDER
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Can Cyst Make Menstrual Cramps Severe
Carnival from 2006 to 2010
2006 Here are some photos of the fancy dress of Gianduiotto, his first costume I designed and made entirely by the skilled hands of CioccoNonna.
dat I must say that I have a bit to do, because I had the idea clear in mind, what I wanted, she had to first pass the idea from my foreman to the model and then made into the fabric and sew
I tried to put a Babacci to make the idea of \u200b\u200bthe cap so that you looked good on the white background but does not do so, we make do with the picture Gianduiotto, is to take into account the fact that it was February, it was cold and cioccopupetta Aéva Tutone under the dress chili and was lying in a stroller.
2007 Gianduiotto dressed daa giraffe The costume was purchased, we have only made it more feminine with pink bows on the ears and tail
OvettoK was in my stomach after two weeks he was born.
2010, the giraffe costume and went to OvettoK Gianduiotto was dressed as a butterfly, but the series I bought something last minute, because in theory we should not participate in any party.
This year I had no problems, would re OvettoK the giraffe and gianduiotti would use what I packed for the Christmas play in kindergarten ... Friday the teachers have put up a notice that says that on Tuesday there will be a party at school ... panic, the suit cioccopupa is good for the inside, but that of cioccopupo Noooooo and how do I do? To date I have no ideas, I looked around on the internet but time is running out, the materials are missing ... only way to go and buy tomorrow, in a gap of two hours of time that I, among many things on Monday.
Frankly I would rather make one myself, but I really can not do it, I hope to find something decent, not very much agree with guns, swords, knives ... hopefully good.
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