There are not, tell the truth .....!!!
And I'm lazy because I write a great blog about once every 1000 years ..... eh?
Horace, do not hate me for this!! The fact is that technology is not an animal! Generally I prefer to communicate "live", although this is absolutely impossible, as people, if I know she hates me ..... do not ask me why, but it's true .....
However, I'm here, tougher than ever and I want to go back to talk about my love for advertising destroy them and open their eyes to the poor people who are forced to drink a sea of \u200b\u200bshit and .... of "DANAKROL" .. ...
For ... cholesterol-free life ...
You know this fantastic product, without prescription, is freely sold in all supermarkets at prices from dizziness??
Well, do the analysis, try it for three weeks, repeat the blood tests and see who REALLY your cholesterol is lower!
"With its plant sterols," Danakrol "prevents the absorption of bad cholesterol from your intestines" ....
..... and thanks to the same super-sterols, prevents the absorption of vitamin A, B, and alters the balance of helper T-cells of the immune system.
A bit 'of information (Wikipedia, thanks to exist!):![]()
"The Vitamin A deficiency results in growth inhibition, deformation of bones and serious changes in the epithelial structures Vitamin A and bodies riproduttivi.La it regulates differentiation of mucosal epithelia and its deficiency results in keratinization of the epithelium with a process called squamous metaplasia. Another important alteration concerns the visual function. A small amount of rhodopsin also determines the need for Most light stimulation. Therefore, the minimum amount of light innascare necessary to the mechanisms of vision increases. This phenomenon causes a decrease in adaptation to low light (twilight or night blindness). In more severe cases of vitamin deficiency may also appear dryness of the conjunctiva and cornea that can lead to permanent eye damage to complete blindness. The vitamin A deficiency can also lead to an increase in maternal mortality during pregnancy. "
And again
" The lack of B vitamins in our body manifests symptoms: The main symptoms are dryness or roughness of the skin and hair health, as vitamin B is the basis of their metabolism energy, other symptoms may be loss of appetite, constipation, insomnia and acne. Their absorption is affected by some dietary factors and psychological "
Since the use of this product as" beneficial "can lead to other deficiencies, it is best not to self-reliance in the event a significant increase in the rate of cholesterol in the blood, as the doctor may recommend products most suitable to the condition of the patient in question (since we are not all equal) and accompany any treatment with a diet that it bridges the vitamin deficiencies that could occur.
Plant sterols are naturally present in some foods such as dried fruit. So, dear friends, if the problem is not serious, if you only have abused for a period of pasta alla carbonara , lard colonnade, and countless jars of nutella (I know, I know, life is hard for all ....), listen to your trusted friend who, like a good hypochondriac, is always kept up to date ...... 3 Eat walnuts daily for 3 weeks, do not miss fruits and vegetables, avoid fried food, fat and junk food and try to redo the analysis after the experiment ......
You'll be amazed!!
Best wishes to all !!!!!
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