I do not want if they are gone for a while 'dear friends, but to destroy the work of others is a slow and laborious ...
You can not spit out judgments without having the knowledge to do it right, you need to read up although at times it would seem superfluous given the crap that we propinano space.
I wanted to devote myself to the finer points interesting, more intriguing, but forgive the brackets today ..... was granted a treat but who could not give up ....
you present this new program?? Fantastic, nothing short of amazing.
It 's really admirable the way in which these subjects becomes ridiculous without worrying judged by others ..... it is certainly a sign of great character as well large cazzonaggine ....
Take, for example, the case of
It 's really admirable the way in which these subjects becomes ridiculous without worrying judged by others ..... it is certainly a sign of great character as well large cazzonaggine ....
Take, for example, the case of
"Giovanna, an incubator for alien ...."
Enrico Ruggeri is there to question our "Expert on duty" with his face genius asking scientific explanations on some facts apparently paranormal. He, no doubt I hope journalist soon be disbarred, if there is writing, with its beautiful DOMOPACK bag containing "silica substance" reviewed by an institute of physics at Bologna, (which institution?? Give me a name, a shred of name! MYSTERY! Here because the program is called so, because not show they unreliability and ignorance, relevant information remains shrouded in mystery), I fell on the most beautiful .....
Search desperately to pass normal phenomena in chemical like abnormal things, to say the least SENSATIONAL ...
As these gentlemen have their experts, here we have our .....
and we are not afraid to use it !!!!!!!
and we are not afraid to use it !!!!!!!
Our expert, chemist, doctor of chemistry in short, in an informal, after watching the video and charged with having attempted suicide because of the huge crap being said, we spent a bit ' its time for some clarification .
- The phenomenon of electronic excitation is a very normal phenomenon (for excitation means the transition to an energy level higher than that of departure due to the accumulation of energy).
- Every source of light, heat or electricity is able to excite the electrons of a body.
- The excited electrons are not detrimental to health or fertilize women.
- electrons, such as imposing the laws of nature, they return to their original energy level to maintain the stability and release the purchased power (see 2). The
- energy release is due to thermal (heat sink) and radiation (production of radiation).
- The radiation produced can be either infrared or ultraviolet, visible sometimes.
Consequently :
- Since the excitation of electrons a phenomenon always present in everything we do, as the lord of the video, we would need a particle accelerator to ignite the light of our room.
- tracks luminescent in UV light on this lady, are traces of organic substances (all organic substances absorb ultraviolet).
- A physical analysis is not concerned with "quality" of organic matter (otherwise our expert chemist and many others like him would all be unemployed).
- treat words like 'fluorescence, phosphorescence and Reflection "as if they were synonyms is a symptom of deep ignorance.
Returning to the second part of the video, the only thing I can say is:
"OH MY GOD !!!!!!"
I explained why as time goes on is there is jelly in the brain? Now even the poor rabbits can die in peace that fetuses are pointed out as aliens ...
will be the ' pollution? The recession? The unemployment ? THE TELEVISION?
And then, Ruggeri ..... But why not turn to sing??
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