The moment in which our eye perceives a certain image, a certain sound our ears and our brain interprets the visual stimulus and / or hearing as taking the piss, suddenly a biological reaction is triggered chain leading to the hypothalamus to raise our body temperature, so the blood to boil until the pressure is not likely to create a "wind anabatico of blood" that rises to the brain through the carotid artery at a speed of 800 km / h ( hence, the common way of saying "I got the blood to the brain), and the latter, without any control over the rest of the body, goes crash .
Al thè you, regressed to the primitive state of homo habilis , we do not see more anger to the point that the first shrub to eradicate the very eyes of the canines to carve with spears and arrows that can be driven in all over the body of your partner but, at that moment, you are making fun of you.
Here, we face two possible problems are:
- Before we get to have a common fit of rage, you should be aware that someone is insulting our intelligence (which is not always easy, especially if you're naive character or being stoned terminal).
- pedantic Our party must be there " face to face " to suffer the apocalyptic effects of our angry reaction.
Both issues are difficult to solve, explain why .
Television, created as an instrument of propaganda and entertainment is now the main cause of my most furious attacks of anger (hopefully for you, otherwise it means that you are already on being stoned terminal cited above).
Behind that little box and evil enchantress is a plot by several groups of people who enjoy tremendously to get us all the piss (or sadistic sense or because highly paid). The aim is to reduce the functions of our vigorous and creative brain to make just one function vegetative unaware of the taking the piss "and remove forever from the face of the earth's attacks of rage.
This of course, we can not afford, and then, over the next few days we analyze TV programs and not just to keep active and combative, and above all to preserve this side of our emotions.
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